Bone Breaker
Bone Breaker
The Old Bones Bone Breakers are 7 string humbucking pickups. They are designed to give a variety of tones from full, heavy rhythm tones to articulate, clear lead lines.
These are made with mixed magnets, utilising an AlNiCo 5 in the neck to get a scooped sound in the neck position, and an Ceramic 8 magnet in the bridge position. The ceramic magnet allows for more of the high end to remain in the signal, and makes for a more articulate pickup for lead lines. This combination means that the pickups are be able to open wider tonal range giving a wider scope for creativity and inspiration.
Before ordering this pickup with covers please check that the routing on your guitar will accomodate covered pickups. You'll need a routing at least 39mm wide to fit these pickups.
The DC resistances for these is around:
Neck: 19.0 K-Ohms
Bridge: 21.5 K-Ohms